This section of the user guide describes webhook endpoints.
field-parameter.action_type | Description |
postSubmission | When an application is successfully completed by the user. |
{your_custom_condition} | When an application contains approval conditions. Will be sent as part of the On Submission payload as an object of field_conditions. If your application template includes any approval conditions the result of each condition will be included in this object. |
postTradeReferenceRequest | When trade reference email notifications are enabled. Will be sent as part of the On Submission payload notifications. |
postTradeReferenceResponse | When a response email is received by a trade reference for a record. |
postApprovalDecision | When a record's approval status changes to 'Approve', 'Refer', or 'Deny'. |
postAgentOverride | When a record's 'Customer ID' or 'Override amount' is updated. |
postFileUpload | When file(s) are added to a record post submission. |
postAuthSignatory | When signature(s) are added to a record post submission. |
postAuthGuarantor | When personal guarantee(s) are added to a record post submission. |
postBankVerification | When a bank verification is added to a record. |
postBankIntegration | When bank data is integrated into a record. |
{ "auth_parameter": { "x-api-key": "string" }, "field_parameter": { "application_id": "string", "template_id": "string", "action_type": "string", "field_conditions": { "your_field_name": bool // Optionally included in On Submission payload. }, "notifications": "string" // Optionally included in On Submission payload. } }
Zapier is a third-party no code service that Harbr is compatible with.
Webhooks by Zapier > Copy the provided webhook URL from this Zapier action and paste it into the provided field in API Settings > Webhook URL.
Connect Harbr Zap > *Optional. Search for the Harbr Zap in Zapier. Connect the Harbr API and pull down the related application record data via Application ID.
Zap > *Optional. Filter an action based on the webhook action_type then add any Zapier Zap such as send an email based on the webhook action.
Test webhooks using a third-party service such as
Webhook Test URL > Copy the provided webhook URL from and paste it into the provided field in API Settings > Webhook URL.
Testing >
Test submission and post-submission actions in Harbr and monitor POST requests in the third-party service.