
This section of the user guide describes webhook endpoints.

field-parameter.action_type Description
postSubmission When an application is successfully completed by the user.
{your_custom_condition} When an application contains approval conditions. Will be sent as part of the On Submission payload as an object of field_conditions. If your application template includes any approval conditions the result of each condition will be included in this object.
postTradeReferenceRequest When trade reference email notifications are enabled. Will be sent as part of the On Submission payload notifications.
postTradeReferenceResponse When a response email is received by a trade reference for a record.
postApprovalDecision When a record's approval status changes to 'Approve', 'Refer', or 'Deny'.
postAgentOverride When a record's 'Customer ID' or 'Override amount' is updated.
postFileUpload When file(s) are added to a record post submission.
postAuthSignatory When signature(s) are added to a record post submission.
postAuthGuarantor When personal guarantee(s) are added to a record post submission.
postBankVerification When a bank verification is added to a record.
postBankIntegration When bank data is integrated into a record.
    "auth_parameter": {
      "x-api-key": "string"
    "field_parameter": {
      "application_id": "string",
      "template_id": "string",
      "action_type": "string",
      "field_conditions": {
        "your_field_name": bool     // Optionally included in On Submission payload.
      "notifications": "string"     // Optionally included in On Submission payload.

Webhooks > Zapier

Zapier is a third-party no code service that Harbr is compatible with.

Recommended Usage

Webhooks by Zapier > Copy the provided webhook URL from this Zapier action and paste it into the provided field in API Settings > Webhook URL.

Connect Harbr Zap > *Optional. Search for the Harbr Zap in Zapier. Connect the Harbr API and pull down the related application record data via Application ID.

Zap > *Optional. Filter an action based on the webhook action_type then add any Zapier Zap such as send an email based on the webhook action.


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