This section of the user guide describes how to define an automated approval process.
Questions that are given the Number or Currency input type are extended with optional approval conditions. The condition(s) that are set must equal to True βin order for an approval automation to trigger. Webhooks will send both True and False results.
When all approval conditions equal True then Creditsafe's Check & Decide solution will return either Approved, Rejected, or Deferred based on your unique Creditsafe instructions.
Each Approval Condition can also be consumed via webhooks.
When Check & Decide returns an Approved status the application record will update to Approved, a Webhook endpoint will trigger to notify any of your connected APIs that an approval has occurred, and an approval email notification will be sent to the primary applicant.
Any field that has a field type of Number or Currency will be extended with approval conditions. Note: The automation will trigger only when all conditions evaluate to True. Keep this in mind when assigning multiple conditions.
The first condition is called the Operator. The second condition is the Value. The Operator contains 5 choices, and the Value is what the condition will evaluate against to return a True of False.
β Off
Greater thanLess thanEqual toNot equal to
Off > The condition is not active. Greater than > The condition will evaluate whether the applicant's answer is more than the value. This will return True or False. Less than > The condition will evaluate whether the applicant's answer is less than the value. This will return True or False. Equal to > The condition will evaluate whether the applicant's answer is equal to the value. This will return True or False. Not equal to > The condition will evaluate whether the applicant's answer is not equal to the value. This will return True or False.
Question > Number of Employees. Type > Number. Operator > Greater than. Value > 24 Process: When the applicant enters in a value for the Number of Employees question if the entered value is more than 24 then the condition will return True, otherwise it returns False. If the applicant skips the question it is effectively using 0 (zero) as the response, which will also return False.
Question > Requested Credit Amount. Type > Currency. Operator > Less than. Value > 10000 Process: If the entered in value is less than $10,000 then the condition will return True, otherwise it is False.
Process: If both of the above examples return True then the approval automation will trigger. If any of the conditions are False then the approval automation will not trigger. Scenario: There are more than 24 employees and the request is less than $10,000. Approval Conditions are all True therefore the approval automation will trigger the next step.
Approval conditions trigger Creditsafe Check & Decide automations. Check & Decide will become available as an API Setting when a Creditsafe API Username, Password, and Customer ID details are entered into the Creditsafe API Settings fields.
Enable Check & Decide > Click the checkbox to enable Check & Decide. This action will trigger Check & Decide to run on every completed application. Results will be saved into the application record and sent in email notifications.
Approval conditions trigger webhooks. Integrate with your own endpoints. Works with Zapier.
Enable Webhooks > Click the checkbox to enable webhooks. This action will trigger webhooks to POST on every completed application (and status change).
{ "auth_parameter": { "x-api-key": "string" }, "field_parameter": { "application_id": "string", "template_id": "string", "action_type": "string", "field_conditions": { "your_field_name": bool }, "notifications": "string" }}
Refer to the Webhook Action table for complete descriptions.
Check & Decide automations.
Enable Field Settings to trigger Check & Decide > Enable this option to only run Check & Decide when all approval conditions are True. If this option is disabled Check & Decide will run on every application. Check & Decide results Trigger Approval automations > If Check & Decide returns an Approved result an automatic approval email will be sent to the primary applicant. The application record will be updated to an Approved status. Note: Be sure to complete Email Settings for the Approval Automation Email.